Jennifer Sweeney

Taste of St. Francis Xavier

The Taste of St. Francis Xavier will be held on Saturday, February 10th at 6PM in the Xavier Center. Join us for a tasting of 20 plus restaurants, $10,000 Grand Prize Raffle, Wine & Bourbon Pull, Online Auction and in-person raffles. Tickets are $25 person and will be on sale in the parish office until 12PM on Friday, February 9th. Tickets will be available at the door until they are sold out.


A Christmas Message 2023

Dear Parishioners and Friends of SFX Parish,

As we commemorate the birth of Jesus, I wish to express blessings and good wishes to all of you in this holy season.  What a treasure it is to be with those we love and how blest we are to have the opportunity to do so.  There are many of our sisters and brothers, especially in the Commonwealth, who are finding this year most difficult because of the loss of life, home and work at the hand of Mother Nature.  We must bond with those who hurt so as to keep Christ’s Light of Hope within sight.  Emmanuel is timeless and lives within everyone through ‘good times and bad’.  A weary world needs to remember that God sent His best effort, His Son, to all generations so that we can move from despair to trust.  He knows how tough it is to do… that is why he sends us Grace so we can move one foot in front of the other.

As pastor, I thank you all for your wonderful support and stewardship of time, talent and treasure that you live every day.  Our ancestors-in-faith see and know what you do in their memory.  How can they not?  They know all things because they now know God as God is.  God does not disappoint… ever.

In Christ the Cornerstone,

Father Dale

Employment Opportunity at SFX

St. Francis Xavier is seeking an Engagement Coordinator to oversee fundraising activities and lead in organizing special events. This position will assist the Parish Business Manager with yearly Stewardship renewals and will coordinate new member outreach. The Engagement Coordinator will also be responsible for communications to parishioners through Evangelus, social media and website updates. This is a part-time position, 20hrs per week.

Qualifications: Excellent organizational, interpersonal, collaborative and leadership skills necessary.
Self-motivated and flexibility in working on multiple projects with office staff and volunteers. Project management and/or event planning experience helpful. High computer literacy and technical aptitude, with experience using various computer software applications. Familiarity with social media platforms.

Contact Jennifer Sweeney in the parish office for more information.  Interested candidates should send cover letter and resume to .

THANK YOU! #iGiveCatholic

Dear Friends of SFX,
Thank you for being a part of our first ever #iGiveCatholic Campaign! The support and generosity from the SFX community never ceases to amaze me! We raised $7,695 during Giving Tuesday. Gifts made will be used to make updates in our religious education building for Children’s Faith Formation. We will report back to you the on these improvements in 2024. 

If you missed out on the opportunity to give, donations sent to the parish office by Monday, December 4th will be added to this campaign. Wishing you and your family peace and blessings as we enter this season of Advent. Be sure to watch the special Thank You video below from Children’s Faith Formation.

In Gratitude,
Jennifer Sweeney

SFX Business Manager

Trivia Night at SFX

Join us for Trivia Night at SFX in the Xavier Center on January 13,2024 at 6PM. $20 per person/max teams of 8. All proceeds benefit the High-School Youth Group. Contact Dave Richardson or Elena Ballesteros for more information and to reserve your spot!

Click HERE for online payment. (Be sure to contact Dave or Elena to reserve your spot before paying.)

Fr. Dale’s Thanksgiving Day Homily

Thanksgiving Day

Thursday; November 23, 2023

Just one year ago, five Bullitt East Football players (one a parishioner) asked if they could come into our church and say a prayer before their big game of the week against Male High School.  Deacon Earl let them in the church, and they immediately headed to the first pew and knelt there in silence.  I came in shortly thereafter and offered to give them a blessing.  I did and, the pastor in me, was quietly hoping they would come back to give “God the Praise” for their prayers answered.  As ALL know, they won State and they are champions… for life… Incidentally… one returned… the same odds as today’s Gospel…

Instinctively, we ask: Why did only one leper return to give thanks?  The following are nine possible reasons why the original nine did not return…

Maybe, One waited to see if the cure was real.

Maybe One waited to see if it would last.

Maybe One said he would “see Jesus later”.

Maybe One decided that he never really had leprosy.

Maybe One said he would have gotten well anyway.

Maybe One said, “Oh well, Jesus didn’t really do anything.”

Maybe One said, “Any rabbi could have done it.”

Maybe One said, “I was already improved”.

Maybe One gave the glory to the priests! ☹

Imagine that!

I like to picture our hearts as a large container that is filled with all kinds of things…. memories, dreams, feelings, ambitions, possibilities about what happened yesterday, hopes about what is going to happen later today or later next week or next year. 

A heart can be filled one of two ways; either we don’t pay much attention and just allow whatever reactions to people and circumstance to fill it; OR we can choose what we will allow to take up the space in our hearts.  We can be selective…

Saint Paul was an excellent teacher in helping us to understand that. Whatwe focus on, what we fill our hearts with, is really our personaldecision.  ReallyIf we believe in Jesus and believe He dwells within the heart, He offers great things of the Spirit, such as joy, love, peace, gentleness, kindness and so forth.  But these things do not happen automatically.  We choose what we allow into the heart.  The Spirit does the changing, but we are the ones who allow the Spirit to work.

For a brief moment, let us focus on the past; that Thanksgiving event in 1621 and the memory of the first pilgrims to this country.  Can you imagine those first days and weeks and months?  It was miserable; … I would think that it did not take long before gratitude kicked in because they were survivors… they were alive to taste the harvest… 

As humorist Will Rogers said about the pilgrims, “In the days of our founders, they were willing to give thanks for mighty little, for mighty little was all they expected.”  If they could gather a few pumpkins, potatoes and some corn for the winter, they wuz in a thankin’ mood…”

How do we retain a humble and honest sense of thanksgiving as a DAILY condition in our hearts?

A serious question: “What is the one goal of your life which you are willing to lose everything else to gain?”  “Do you have a purpose in this life today that is important to you?”  Only individuals can answer these two questions.  No one can be told an answer.

We know that gratitude cannot be taught… as bad we might want to think we can teach it, it cannot be done… 

However, we can model gratitude… and that makes all the difference in being a credible person or not.  We ask God daily to help us BE credible in what we need, in what we receive and how we live.

Today is a time to think back and to re-ponder what God does for us in a daily, unassuming way… You and I both know: God is good, God is so good.

Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!

Tree of Life

Are you searching for that perfect Christmas present! Purchase a leaf to acknowledge or in remembrance of a special person. We have only 9 leaves remaining to fill the Tree of Life that is displayed in the foyer of the Xavier Center. The cost is $200. Complete the form below and return to the parish office while supplies last! If you have not seen the beautiful Tree of Life on display in the Xavier Center, stop by and check it out! Contact Cara Blake or Jennifer Sweeney in the parish office with questions.

An Invitation from Fr. Dale

Saint Francis Xavier Parish will be participating in a program entitled #iGiveCatholic on Tuesday, November 28th from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM.  During this 24-hour crowd-funding event, all the Catholic parishes will be celebrating our Catholic faith and supporting all the Catholic formation programs that shape our souls.  Funds from our parishioners will be used for purchasing new furniture, classroom rugs and bulletin boards for the Religious Education building foyer.  In addition, we will make technology updates, purchasing Smart TV’s for each classroom and making the necessary upgrades to improve Wi-Fi while increasing our streaming capability.  Most importantly, we will make better security upgrades to ensure safety and security of our students.  An Advanced Giving Phase will run from Monday, November 13th through Monday, November 27th where online and offline gifts will be welcomed and appreciated.

Make no mistake, your gift will make an impact!  Please embrace the invitation to invest in our Children’s Religious Formation and Education; visit #iGiveCatholic and search for our parish… (remember, there are 2 SFX’s in the archdiocese).  I know your generosity will inspire others to also give. For more information, please contact our parish office for direct donations or the parish website if you are electronically inclined to do so.

Thanks for your consideration and support.  God bless!

Donut Sales

The 7th Grade class of Children’s Faith Formation Class will sell Krispy Kreme Donuts after Masses on the weekend of November 4th and 5th. Glazed Donuts are $12 a box and Chocolate Glazed are $13 a box. Proceeds from sales go to purchase food for the Senior Thanksgiving Dinner. Exact change is appreciated, credit cards and donations will be accepted. Thank you in advance for your support!