Jennifer Sweeney

Pat French Scholarship 2025

ATTENTION HIGH-SCHOOL SENIORS– Don’t miss out on the opportunity to apply for the $5,000 Pat French Scholarship. This scholarship was established in honor of Patricia K. French to be awarded to a high-school senior who is a member of St. Francis Xavier Church. This person should be service-oriented and a person of high Christian moral values. In addition, this person should be a dedicated student, demonstrating a good work ethic. The recipient may use this one-time, non-renewable award to pursue any program of studies at any accredited college or vocational school. Complete the application below and return to the SFX Parish Office Attn: Wende Aubrey, no later than Friday, March 14, 2025.
Applications, reference letters and transcripts may also be emailed directly to .

Applicants who are chosen to interview for the scholarship will be contacted by the parish office. Interviews will be conducted on Monday, April 7th.

2024 Contribution Statements & Stewardship Forms

Your Annual Stewardship packets are available in the back of the church until February 18th. Included in your packets are the 2024 Contribution Letters and Stewardship Renewal Forms. Please help us save on postage by picking up your letter after one of the Masses and return the Stewardship Forms to the office by March 21, 2025. Your Time and Talent commitment helps our ministries in their planning for the year. Your commitment of Treasure helps us as we are planning the 2025-2026 budget. Forms may also be placed in a sealed envelope and dropped in the collection basket.

 The 2025 Guidebooks are being mailed directly to your home from Guidebook Publishing. Be on the lookout for them to arrive in the next few weeks.


AARP will once again offer tax filing assistance on the SFX campus. This assistance is available by Appointment ONLY and scheduling will begin January 20th. Call and leave a message at (502) 709-9619 (M-F, 10AM-4PM) to schedule an appointment or visit to schedule on-line. Appointments at SFX are available on Wednesdays 9-1:30 only.

Bring last Year’s Tax Return, a Photo ID, copy of a canceled check and all your paperwork needed to prepare your return.

*Please note that the parish office cannot schedule or give information regarding appointments. You must leave a message at the number below.

Fr. Dale’s Thanksgiving Day Homily

Thursday, November 28, 2024

In 1789 (only 235 years ago); President George Washington, the second greatest president we will ever have, was the first to proclaim this a day for which to be thankful.  President Franklin Roosevelt, the third greatest president we will ever have, gave us the current calculations in 1939, so people bought their turkeys and stuffed them, or else they went to somebody else’ home, where somebody else stuffed the turkeys.  But there is something more important than stuffing turkeys on Thanksgiving Day, if we are going to give thanks by the calendar in November!  Think about that!  Isn’t that calendar date a kind of “Let’s Be Nice Back to GodDay?

Gratitude Attitude by The Ten Lepers

Human need always laid a claim on the sensitive Spirit of Jesus.  The healing of the 10 lepers is clear evidence of this.  The healing also showed the FORGIVENESS of Jesus. 

Gratitude Attitude on the Personal Level

+ Persistent ingratitude can poison human relationships.  We instinctively feel there is something missing (and draining) in the person who finds it impossible ever to say “Thank You”.  It is very easy for ingratitude to become a fixed response. 

Gratitude Attitude on the Social Level

+ Thanksgiving Day on a calendar is a very appropriate time to be grateful for the blessings of being an American citizen.  But we must be careful of the dangers here: (A) hyper-patriotism [that is to say; giving thanks that we are not like others] (B) not always easy to live IN the world of freedom with a clear conscious.  Freedom can easily be abused.

God, the source of all good gifts

+ No “worthy” Thanksgiving can be celebrated which does not finally express Gratitude to God.

A beautiful card was sent to me this holiday.  It reads:

It has seemed to me, fit and proper, that God should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged, as with one heart and one voice, by the whole American people.”

President Abraham Lincoln, THE greatest president we will ever have, wrote that for the National Day of Thanksgiving Proclamation back in 1863… some 161 years ago. 

Still, genuine gratitude has no date, no month, no year. 

It is an attitude that ought to be expressed 24/7…    

Knights of Columbus Essay Contest

Don’t miss out on your chance to enter the Knights of Columbus Catholic Citizenship Contest! This year’s topic is “What are the two most important virtues for an elected leader to possess, and why?  How can you determine if the leader has these virtues? The contest is open to grades 8-12; essays should be 500-750 words. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each grade. Download the entry form below or pick up one in the gathering space of church. Essays must be received by 11/13/2024. Contact James Underwood for additional information, (502) 494-5988.

Parents! Encourage youth to become citizens grounded in their faith through creative writing!