Join us at the 11AM Mass on Sunday, May 19th as we recognize the 2024 Graduates in our SFX family. High School, Trade, and College Graduates, please plan to attend in Cap and Gown. RSVP to the Parish Office at (502)538-4933 by May 14th. As a bonus, it’s also Donut Sunday, so stick around for celebratory sweets.
Women’s Club Bunco
Join the Women’s Club on Thursday, April 25th at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall for a fun night of Dice Rolling!
Event specific details coming soon. Check back here frequently for updates.

Westward Ho! presented by Young Hearts Theatre
The Young Hearts Theatre is presenting this musical production at the Ursuline Arts Center in Louisville April 4th – 7th. All shows are 2pm matinees and free to attend. Anyone interested in attending as a group from St. Francis should reach out to Wende Aubrey in the Parish Office (502-385-6716).
Westward Ho! is a rip roaring musical production of a wagon train heading west from St. Louis to California. Along the way we share in the excitement of leaving, hopes and dreams for the future, and the hardships of the journey. We sing, dance around campfires, visit and old western saloon and even make a brief stop in heaven. Come join the journey!

Men’s Retreat
Register NOW for the Men’s Retreat on March 9th! Click HERE to register!

Taste of St. Francis Xavier
The Taste of St. Francis Xavier will be held on Saturday, February 10th at 6PM in the Xavier Center. Join us for a tasting of 20 plus restaurants, $10,000 Grand Prize Raffle, Wine & Bourbon Pull, Online Auction and in-person raffles. Tickets are $25 person and will be on sale in the parish office until 12PM on Friday, February 9th. Tickets will be available at the door until they are sold out.
Ring in the New Year at SFX
Ring in the New Year in the Xavier Center with LIVE music featuring The Wilson Brothers! Tickets are $25 each. Contact Twyla Mills for tickets at 502-777-4501 or contact the parish office. Reserved seating for tables of 8 purchased.

Donut Sales
The 7th Grade class of Children’s Faith Formation Class will sell Krispy Kreme Donuts after Masses on the weekend of November 4th and 5th. Glazed Donuts are $12 a box and Chocolate Glazed are $13 a box. Proceeds from sales go to purchase food for the Senior Thanksgiving Dinner. Exact change is appreciated, credit cards and donations will be accepted. Thank you in advance for your support!
Senior Thanksgiving Dinner
ALL Seniors are invited to this year’s Thanksgiving Dinner to be held on Sunday, November 12th at 2:00PM in the lower level of the parish hall. Click HERE to RSVP by November 6th. The dinner will be hosted by the Children’s Faith Formation 7th Grade Class.

Donut Sunday
Join us on Sunday, September 17th, Catechetical Sunday, for donuts in the Parish Hall after the 9AM and the 11AM Masses. This month’s Donut Sunday will be hosted by the SFX High School Youth group kids and parents.
Celebrating a Milestone Anniversary in 2023?
An anniversary Mass with Archbishop Shelton will be held at the Cathedral of the Assumption on September 17th at 12PM. Couples celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2023 of 30, 40, 50 and 60 years or longer are invited to contact the parish office so they may be recognized. The registration deadline is
September 1,2023. Call the parish office at (502) 538-4933 or email with First Names (husband & wife) , Milestone Year Anniversary, Date of Marriage and Mailing Address. The event will be available for viewing via the Cathedral of the Assumption’s YouTube Channel.
High School Youth Group
HS Youth Group kicks off the new school year with a meeting on August 27th! Information is below, contact Dave Richardson with questions.

Vacation Bible School
SFX presents a “Stellar” week of VBS! Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they’ll have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. “Stellar” rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.
Meeting time is the week of June 19, 2023 — June 23, 2023, in the evening hours of 6:30pm — 8:00pm (EDT)
SummerFest 2023
Bring the family and join us on Saturday, June 10th for a day of FUN!
Morning Events
Volleyball & Pickleball Tournaments begin at 8AM
Concessions offered throughout the day, Beer sales begin at 12PM
Break for MASS at 3PM
Evening Events
*Chicken Dinner 4-7PM (while supplies last, menu below)
LIVE Music from Brian Pataluna 4-7PM
LIVE Music from The Crabgrass Conspiracy 7-10PM
Sweet Treat Wheel, Quilt Raffle, Split the Pot, Lucky Number, Inflatables for Kids, Duck Pond,
Face Painting & Pop a Shot
Chicken Dinner $12 Adults, $10 Children (1 Piece of Chicken),
Cash & Card Accepted, NO SUBSTITUTIONS
2 Pieces (Breast & Wing OR Drum & Thigh), Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Cucumber Salad, Ice Cream, Tea OR Lemonade. Soft Drinks & Beer available for purchase.
SFX Graduates Mass
All SFX Graduates (High-School, College, Technical Program, etc.) are invited to the celebrate with the SFX community at the 11AM Mass on Sunday, May 28th. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early and wear your graduation regalia. RSVP to the Parish Office no later than Tuesday, May 23rd. The Pat French Scholarship will be presented at during this Mass.
SFX Volleyball Classic 23
Get your team registered today for the SFX Volleyball Classic to be held on June 10th! Join us for SummerFest; a full day of activities, food & music! More details to come.

Pickleball Mixer Tournament
Join us at Summerfest for a Co-ed Pickleball Mixer Tournament. Novice and experienced play levels, register today, space is limited! Contact the Parish Office at (502) 538-4933 or email Dawn Haydon at .