It is time for the annual Christmas food basket drive in support of the Bullitt County community!
The SFX Outreach Ministry, High School Youth Group and the Confirmation Class are hosting this service opportunity and need your help!! Please drop off your non-perishable donations in the brown collection boxes in the gathering space of Church or the Parish Office. Donations accepted through December 16th.
If you choose to donate money or gift cards from Kroger or ValuMarket for the purchase of turkeys, please place your donation in an envelope marked: Outreach Ministry Food Baskets. Drop your donation in the collection basket or at the Parish Office. Make checks payable to: Outreach Ministry Food Baskets.
Suggested Donation Items by Last Name:
A-C Green Beans, Corn
D-G Stuffing, Mashed Potato Flakes
H-K Oven Bags, Aluminum Foil , Napkins
L-O Cranberry Sauce, Gravy Mix
P-S Rice, Mac & Cheese
T-Z Cake Mix, Sugar Cookie Mix, Icing,
Cookie Decorations