All SFX Graduates (High-School, College, Technical Program, etc.) are invited to the celebrate with the SFX community at the 11AM Mass on Sunday, May 28th. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early and wear your graduation regalia. RSVP to the Parish Office no later than Tuesday, May 23rd. The Pat French Scholarship will be presented at during this Mass.
The Precious Blood Returns
Attention all Eucharistic Ministers Past and Present:
The chalice will return to Mass the weekend of June 10 and 11. SFX will host 2 full weekends of refresher sessions on the distribution of Holy Communion from the chalice. Please plan to attend one of the following sessions on 5/20, 5/21, 6/3 or 6/4. Refresher trainings will be held after each Mass.
Parish Council Nominations
The SFX Parish Council is now accepting nominations for the Parish Council. The Parish Council advises the Pastor in planning for the pastoral development of the parish. Members should have deep faith, experience, imagination, and sound judgement. Elected members will serve a 3- year term.
Qualifications to serve on Parish Council include:
- Baptized and practicing Catholic and at least 18 years old.
- Registered member of the parish called to the important work of furthering the mission, vision, and discipleship for the parish community.
- Willingness to commit their gifts of stewardship and wisdom in a collaborative manner.
Nomination forms may be dropped in the ballot box in the gathering space of church or sent to the Parish Office, attention Lou Leppert. Nomination forms are due not later than Monday, May 22, 2023.
Selections will be made on Pentecost Sunday.
Charitable Gaming License #ORG1325
SFX Volleyball Classic 23
Get your team registered today for the SFX Volleyball Classic to be held on June 10th! Join us for SummerFest; a full day of activities, food & music! More details to come.
Pickleball Mixer Tournament
Join us at Summerfest for a Co-ed Pickleball Mixer Tournament. Novice and experienced play levels, register today, space is limited! Contact the Parish Office at (502) 538-4933 or email Dawn Haydon at .
Coins for Compassion
Join our Religious Education students in their fundraising challenge to support Love the Hungry! Donations buckets are in the gathering space of church. Place your loose change in your favorite team’s bucket. (ALL cash & checks accepted!)
Women’s Club Bunco
Get out this spring and come join us for some FUN! The Women’s Club Bunco will be April 13th. ALL are invited, so bring a friend!
Baby Shower
Join us Sunday, March 12th after the 11AM in the double meeting room of the Xavier Center for a baby shower to benefit The Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center. The shower is hosted by the HS Youth Group, Women’s Club and Respect Life Committee.
St. Patrick’s Day Dispensation
Please read the letter from Archbishop Shelton regarding St. Patrick’s Day.
Women’s Retreat
Join us on March 18th at SFX from 9AM-3PM for our Women’s Retreat. Contact Paula Silliman in the parish office for more details. (502) 538-4933 x104 or email .
Chili Supper
Join us on January 21st after the 5PM Mass in the Xavier Center for a Chili Supper. Place your last- minute bids on Auction items and stick around for the Auctionfest raffle drawing at 7:30PM. Help us with planning & let us know you are coming, RSVP HERE .
Valentine’s Dance
Volleyball in the Xavier Center
We are excited to announce Monday night volleyball in the Xavier Center from 6-8PM beginning Monday, January 9th – February 27th. Monday night volleyball will begin with warm-up, followed by pick-up games. This activity is for high-school age and above. Participants must sign a waiver and wear proper athletic footwear. We look forward to seeing you on Monday nights!
Mass Times for Christmas & New Year’s
December 24 Christmas Eve Mass 4:00PM & 10:00PM
December 25 Christmas Day 10:00AM
December 31 Feast, Mary Mother of God 5:00PM
January 1 Feast, Mary Mother of God 9:00AM & 11:00AM
Enjoy these meditations and readings during this season of Advent as you prepare for His coming!
Pickleball in Xavier Center
December Pickleball Schedule: December 1, 15, & 29 at 6PM in the Xavier Center.
NO PICKLEBALL Thursday, December 8. Join us for the Immaculate Conception Mass at 7PM.
Check online calendar for the most up to date schedule.