Cara Blake

Fr. Dale’s Homily

The 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Cycle C)

March 1-2, 2025

Gospel:  Luke 6:39-45

This is a story about a normal family, like many here today.  A family with the last name of STRESS. S-T-R-E-S-S…

Bob Stress is a 50 something year old man who has a strong desire to be in control.  Bob’s mom is 80 years old and has come to live with her family while she recovers from a broken hip.  Most of mom’s care falls on Theresa, Bob’s wife of several years.  There are also two teenage kids under the same roof; Kevin who is 15 and Emily who is 14 whose only three basic desires in life are (A) to control their own lives (B) to be popular and (C) do whatever produces pleasure… 

Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning, Bob, Theresa, Kevin, Emily and Granny sit in their usual pew at Mass, but their minds and hearts are not on God, except pouting Emily who sent a plea heavenward, “Jesus, if you care, please help my family get along and quit yelling at each other…”   

After Mass, they greet the handsome pastor and go toward the car and, walking up behind them is Jesus, yes! The Son of God!

Do you have an extra seat?”  Dumfounded, Bob nods and unlocks the doors.  “Am I gonna die?”  “No”, chuckles Jesus.  “Emily asked if I could help your family get along better and since, you only seem to talk to me once a week in church, I thought may we could go to your house for a little family conference… You do need my help don’t you Bob?… Bob, what do you need to be happy in this family?”

BOB: I’ll tell you what I need.  I need some respect and appreciation for how hard I work to keep this family in groceries.  I need them to understand all the pressures I’m under and to not add any more…”

JESUS:  I understand your pressures, Bob.  Your family is scared of you, of your anger, your criticisms.  I know what you are facing with work (and your mom coming to live with you.)  Draw near to me and let me take that worry and fear from you and the log of self-pity out of your eye.  I gave you Theresa and the kids to be a support for you, … if you let them instead of ordering them around all the time.  I have forgiven you so many times, Bob.  Can you forgive them for failing in your eyes?”

Theresa, what do you need?

THERESA: I need time alone with my husband.  It’s been a month since we’ve been out.  I need to feel like we’re a team with the kids, and the finances and his mother coming.  I need some time for myself to rest…”

JESUS: Theresa, I understand your loneliness.  I faced it often with my disciples.  It seemed like they expected me to do everything.  But you have not spent time alone with me for over a month either.  And I have wanted to give my rest to your exhausted spirit. Draw near to me and drink of my peace and let me take that log of bitterness from you eye”

Kevin, what do you need?

KEVIN: I need for Dad to listen to me, to understand my side of things, instead of always judging me.   Nothing I ever do is ever good enough for Dad…

JESUS: It’s good enough for me, Kevin.  I love you just the way you are, even though you have a smart mouth.  And yes, your dad doesn’t listen to you.  I was fifteen once too, you know, and my dad didn’t always listen to me, what with the carpenter shop, taxes, Roman soldiers… but that is no reason to judge your father as unloving and argue with him all the time.  He needs your love, too, but you want it on your terms.  Draw near to me Kevin and let me love you even when your dad can’t…and oh, take that log of selfishness out of your eye.

Emily, what do you need?

EMILY: I need someone to like me, I’m ugly and fat and my hair isn’t right, my nose is too big and my eyes are the wrong color.  I hate my brother because he is always calling me names.  It just isn’t fair.  I need a life…

JESUS: I like you, Emily.  I think you are very special, but you want other kids approval more than you want mine, no matter what it costs you.  I created that nose and your curly black hair, and those beautiful brown eyes.  I have a wonderful plan for your life, but you never ask me what it is.  You will have lots of friends and they will like you for YOU, but only ifyou are the Emily I created.  I didn’t let you become a cheerleader because you were becoming a snob you know – like when you gossiped about that girl last week so that your friends wouldn’t invite her to the party Friday night… Draw near to me Emily, so I can help you love yourself… and OH, let me take the log of snobbishness out of your eye.”

Granny, I did not forget about you, what do you need?

GRANNY: I need you to sit down with each of us every night like this and Jesus agreed, and they ALL agreed … for the first night in a long, long time the sun did not go down on their anger.  Oh… they still had their spats but there was never any resentment living in the STRESS house again…

When angry; do not let your wrath, your fury or indignation last until the sun goes down.  In a word, leave no room for the devil… Lucifer’s strategy is simple.  Make sin look normal and make righteousness look weird.  Unfortunately, ours is a time where Satan doesn’t even hide anymore, and yet the world still cannot see him.  Something is not right when the world is offended by everything but sin.  I think it most important to remember how valuable your soul must be for The Evil One to tirelessly pursue it, … and for Christ the King to lay down His own life for it!

In a word, there is always hope… Hope is our focus in this Holy Year!  I pray that is where you choose to hang your hat…

Interactive Stations of the Cross

Join Us for a Deeply Moving Experience

We invite you to our 4th annual Interactive Stations of the Cross, on Saturday, March 8th. This cherished event has provided countless individuals with profound emotional and spiritual nourishment over the years.

Each visitor will embark on a personal journey through the Stations, engaging in meaningful tasks, reflections, life connections, and prayers. Seating is available at each Station, allowing participants to pause and reflect as they choose, making this a truly self-paced experience.

The event will be held in the Religious Education building. Doors will be open from 12:00 PM to 7:00 PM. While most participants complete their journey through all 14 Stations in 15 to 30 minutes, the self-guided nature of the event allows you to take as much time as you need.

We hope you will join us for this intimate and intentional walk with Jesus and experience the deeply emotional and spiritual connection that this event offers.

For more information, please contact Lisa Reed:

Adult Book Study on the Eucharist

Join us for a three-session adult book study to deepen your understanding on the real presence of Jesus within the Eucharist. Get your free “This is My Body” book by Bishop Robert Barron in the gathering space of church, limited quantities available. Click HERE to register.

The Eucharist as “Sacred Meal”
Led by Paula Silliman
Tuesday, March 5th 7PM-8PM

The Eucharist as “Sacrifice”
Led by Billy Blake
Tuesday, March 12th 7PM-8PM

The Eucharist as “Real Presence” 
Led by Deacon Earl Baker
Tuesday, March 19th 7PM-8PM followed by Benediction and Adoration in the Church from 8PM-10PM. 

Classes will be held in the Upper Parish Hall and are open to adults of all ages. Join us to rediscover the depth and beauty of the Holy Eucharist. 

For further information or questions contact Paula Silliman at 502-515-9361 or email