Upcoming Events

SFX 13th Annual Golf Scramble

Gather your team and join us for the 13th Annual St. Francis Xavier Golf Scramble! The scramble will be held on Sunday, September 15th at The Crossings Golf Course in Brooks, KY. Registration begins at 1PM, with a shotgun start at 2PM. RAIN OR SHINE! The cost is $240 per foursome or $60 per person. This includes green fee, cart rental, and a meal. Click on the link to the flyer below for more information or contact Wende Aubrey at (502) 385-6716 or by email at wende.aubrey@sfxmw.com. Reservations required and payments must be received no later than September 9th. Use the registration form below or pick up one in the gathering space of church. Check, cash and credit cards accepted.

Register On-Line and Pay by Credit Card by clicking here.

Do you own a business or would the company you work for like to become a HOLE SPONSOR? Check out the hole sponsor information below.

If you would like to donate a golf or sports/outdoor related item to the raffle, you can drop donations at the parish office during office hours or leave in the bins in the gathering space at church.

Donut Sunday & Meet the Teachers

Join us Sunday, August 25th for Fellowship and Donuts after the 9 and 11AM Masses.

The Children’s Faith Formation Teachers will be available at the 10AM session to meet with students and parents and the RE Building will be open for touring. Check out the upgrades that have been made thanks to your donations to iGiveCatholic.

Pickleball Every Thursday

Too hot to play in the park? It’s never too hot to play Pickleball in the Xavier Center.

Come join the fun every Thursday from 6-8pm (6:30 – 8:30 starting August 22, 2024). All skill levels welcome. Extra equipment available if you are new the game.

Open to High School age youth and older. No pets please.

Shampoo Donations Needed by July 14th

New Parishioner Meet and Greet, July 11th

Invitations to the next Meet and Greet on July 11th are going out to parishioners who have joined St. Francis Xavier since May 1st. If you registered with SFX before that date but weren’t able to make a previous session, or just still feel like a “new” member, join us on Thursday, July 11th at 7PM in the Lower Parish Hall. There will be light refreshments served while we spend time getting to know one another and learning about all that the SFX community has to offer.

Please RSVP by email (wende.aubrey@sfxmw.com) or phone (502-385-6716) so we can plan accordingly.

Little Sisters of the Poor, June 22-23

Little Sisters of the Poor will be at SFX collecting donations after all masses June 22nd and 23rd.

The Little Sisters of the Poor are an international congregation of Roman Catholic women religious founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan. Together with a diverse network of collaborators, they serve the elderly poor in over 30 countries around the world. Continuing the work of Saint Jeanne Jugan, their mission is to offer the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home where they will be welcomed as Christ, cared for as family and accompanied with dignity until God calls them to himself.

Safe Environment Training at SFX June 10th

The Archdiocese of Louisville is committed to ensuring that children and youth who worship, study or participate in church-sponsored activities can do so in the safest and most secure setting possible. In an effort to fulfill this commitment, all employees or volunteers who have contact with children or youth (18 and under) for ANY length of time are required to

  1. Participate in an Archdiocese Safe Environment Training (SET) Workshop (2 hour session).
  2. Complete an Archdiocese Criminal Background Check every 5 years.

St. Francis Xavier will be hosting Safe Environment Training on Monday, June 10th, from 6:30-8:30PM in the Parish Hall. The training moves around the Louisville area throughout the year, but here is your chance to catch it close to home. No registration is necessary, just arrive prior to 6:30 and plan to stay for the full 2 hours.

Crusade For Children Collection May 25th/26th