Upcoming Events

Advent Calendar Raffle by HSYG

The SFX High School Group will be raffling off a Gift Card Advent Calendar on Sunday November 24th.

Each pocket of the Advent Calendar contains a gift card ranging in value from $5 – $15. Raffle tickets are $5 each and will be sold after all the masses the weekends of Nov 16th/17th and Nov 23rd/24th.

Please help support the youth group as they plan their projects and retreats for the coming year. Contact Lisa Pence (lisa.pence@sfxmw.com) for more information.

Charitable Gaming Lic#0001325

Trunk or Treat and Chili Supper

Join us on Saturday, October 26th after the 5PM Mass for a Chili Supper in the Xavier Center and Trunk or Treat in the parking lot. RSVP or sign up to donate a dessert HERE.

VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTIONS – Parents/Children who have volunteered, meet Wende Aubrey and Lisa Pence in the Xavier Center at the start of your shift for instructions.

PARKING INSTRUCTIONS- Trunk or Treat will begin shortly after the 5PM Mass. Arrive EARLY and park your car in the designated area behind the RE building BEFORE Mass. The High School Youth Group will direct the traffic flow in the parking lot. If you are looking for trunk decorating ideas click HERE.

IF you are NOT providing a Trunk or Treats, park on the Stringer Lane side, HWY 44 side , or by the Xavier Center. You WILL NOT be able to drive through the parking lot or behind the RE building as this is where the Trunk or Treat will occur.

Sacristan and Lector Workshops

The Archdiocese of Louisville’s Office of Worship will be offering two ministry sessions at the Catholic Enrichment Center in August and September. These sessions are open to all involved in these ministries as well as Worship Committee members, clergy and anyone who may be interested in learning more about liturgical ministry.

On Tuesday August 27, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. there will be a session on the Role of the Sacristan. This session will explore the Role of the Sacristan and the many ways this ministry can be expressed in a parish. We will look at the background and development of the ministry of Sacristan in addition to some practical aspects of the role.

On Monday September 23, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. there will be a session on the Role of the Lector. This session will explore the Role of the Lector, the Role scripture plays in the celebration of the Liturgy, the
presence of Christ in the proclamation, and practical tips for preparation.

Both sessions will be held at the Catholic Enrichment Center, 3146 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY  40211

There is no charge for these sessions as they are funded by your support of the Catholic Services Appeal.

For more information, please visit the ArchLou Website. You can register on-line or print out the form here and mail to the Office of Worship.

Yoga in the Xavier Center

Starting August 19th, Yoga classes will be held in the Xavier Center on Monday and Thursdays from 5:30 – 6:30. Instructor Jamie Wise will offer classes for $5 per session (with every 5th class free). All experience levels are encouraged to participate in this “East meets West” slow flow yoga that focuses on strength, flexibility, and balance in mind, body, and spirit.

Bring a mat, an old towel (a well-worn, comfortable one), a water bottle, and a positive attitude!

Volleyball and Pickleball times will be pushed back to 6:30-8:30pm to make room for this new addition to the Xavier Center fitness offerings.

More about Jamie: