
Tree of Life

As our story continues and we celebrate our 175th anniversary as a parish, we can honor and remember our loved ones in a very special way. You now have the opportunity to purchase a leaf for the “Tree of Life” that will be displayed in a prominent place in our new Parish Activity Center. The cost to acknowledge the special people in your life in this meaningful way is $200 per leaf. Leaves can be purchased in the back of church after Masses or you may pick up an order form in the back of church and drop it off with payment at the church office or in the collection basket. This is the perfect way to make a lasting memory so order yours today!

Guidelines for Mass

Guidelines for Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church 2020

First and foremost, Archbishop Kurtz has issued a dispensation from the obligation to attend MASS on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation for the Archdiocese of Louisville until further notice.  Anyone over the age of 65 is encouraged to continue attending MASS as found at www.archlou.org/COVID-19 and ease into your return at your convenience at a later time.   

You are encouraged to take your own temperature before coming to MASS. If you are sick you need to stay home at this time.  As we have been doing, one can share Spiritual Communion at a virtual MASS.  It is strongly encouraged to protect one another and follow the guidelines of the Commonwealth and wear a mask or face covering at all times (and gloves if you choose).  Masks are available at the exits; homemade and bought.   

Doors will be propped open upon your arrival.  In order to fulfill ‘social distancing’, our church seating is that families are directed to sit together in one pew.  Every second/third pew is reserved for that purpose.  All individuals are asked to sit at least 6 feet apart at Mass.  Since our church officially seats 750, we are allowed to use approximately 200 seats per MASS in keeping with Commonwealth guidelines.  In order to comply, a third mass of 11:00 AM is being added to the schedule (until at least the end of September).  Seating will be first come, first served.  

Please take and use an Order of Worship found at all entrances.  Please discard them after the MASS in trash receptacles at the exits.  All song books are in storage.

Hand sanitizer is made available at all three exits (Foamy IQ which is a foam disinfectant). 

The collection of tithing and donations will be taken during Communion.  Please place your donations in the basket provided by the usher.  Thank you for sharing.

Please ‘stagger’ your exit from the church so as to keep ‘social distance’ when leaving.  For those who wish to visit at the end of mass, please do so outside… for now. 

Thank you for complying with these rules and guidelines.  They come from four sources: the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Archbishop and Archdiocese of Louisville, the faith-family of SFX and Father Dale Cieslik, pastor.  

God bless!  Pray unceasingly for a vaccine to COVID-19.