Wende Aubrey

Feast of the Immaculate Conception Homily

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary
Monday; December 9, 2024
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38

Today we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. In 1854, Pope Pius IX made the infallible statement: “The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the savor of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of Original Sin.”

We focus on the two women in today’s readings and see how their choices have impacted our lives.

To illustrate the difference between Eve and Mary, picture an eye dropper filled with water. I am putting one drop of water in my hand. The makeup of this water is the same as any other drop of water – H2O. It is no more water or less water than any other drop. If I would put this drop of water into the ocean, it would be a part of the ocean. However, although it is part of the ocean and the ocean is a part of it, the drop is NOT the ocean. The difference between Eve and Mary is that Eve wanted to BE the ocean. Mary was content to be the drop in the ocean.

Both Eve and Mary were created without original sin. In the beginning, it was original goodness. In Genesis, we read that “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them, and God looked at everything he had made and he found it very good.” Mary was created without Original Sin from the moment of HER conception (through her parents; Joachim and Anne), by a special grace in her role in God’s plan for humankind.

Eve wanted to be like God. Mary was content to be God’s servant. Eve (and Adam) thought God was being selfish by forbidding them to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Eve was not content to be a drop of water. She wanted to be the ocean. She saw God as selfish, wanting to keep special knowledge to Himself. She did not realize that God sets limits… to protect her.

Mary knew that she was not more than a servant, a handmaid of God. His Will was her command. When the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to conceive through the power of the Holy Spirit and bear a son that would be called Son of God, Mary must have been confused and puzzled. While she did not understand fully what was being asked, Mary did not rebel. She simply spoke, “I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”
Mary was content to be drop of water.

Eve rebelled, Mary submitted. Eve gave in to temptation. In the story, Eve eats the forbidden fruit. She sins and then invited Adam to sin, too. Eve, by trying to be more like God and rejecting her rightful relationship with Him, was separated from God through sin.
She became less and less “in His image”.
Mary never went against God’s Will. Mary, by embracing her humanness and knowing her place before God as servant, became more and more like God.

We are all born with Original Sin. We believe, that at baptism, Original Sin is eradicated. We believe that we start off with a clean slate. At that point, we have the same opportunity, as Mary, to make right choices throughout our lives…

However, like Eve (and Adam) we rebel.

The second reading makes it clear what God wants for us… to be holy and blameless in His sight…

As Mary is the “new Eve”, so Jesus is the “new Adam”. What Eve and Adam lost for us, Jesus regained. He stays in intimate contact with us through His Gift of Eucharist. It is through Christ that we have become daughters and sons of the Father and heirs of the Kingdom. With this in mind, let us approach the altar with humility and gratitude that we are that drop in the ocean.

EXCITING UPDATE Catholic Services Appeal 2024

The annual Catholic Services Appeal invites area Catholics to join together in supporting the more than 100 ministries, services, and programs offered by the archdiocese. Over the last year CSA donations:

  • helped to deliver Safe Environment Training to over 3100 people who work with children or youth.
  • provided training and formation opportunities to those who minister to, with, and for adolescents and young adults.
  • provided days of reflection, weekend retreats, and other faith sharing events to college students.
  • offered 63 catechist certification classes for over 900 attendees.
  • assisted parishes across the archdiocese with facility maintenance and planning.
  • supported the many publications and media communications that are made available to all Catholics in the archdiocese.

In addition to these services for parishioners, the Catholic Services Appeal supports the Seminarian Education Fund, which allows seminarians to focus on their education and spiritual growth as they prepare for a life of service to God.

Last year St. Francis Xavier Parish raised over $24,000 for CSA with 105 families participating. Our goal for 2024 is $26,500. While the monetary goal is important, our focus this year is on participation. With over 800 families registered with our parish, even the smallest of donations can make an impact. To help visualize participation, each family that donates any amount to Catholic Services Appeal in 2024 will be represented by a fish or loaf image and added to the CSA poster on display in the gathering space in church. Help us to fill the basket with loaves and fishes and support the many great works of CSA.

Use the buttons below to make an on-line donation or to see full listing of works supported by CSA.

All donations made to the Seminarian Education Fund will be matched up to $65,000. Any donations by donors who did not make a gift last year and any Salt & Light donor that increases their donation will each be matched up to $50,000.

View the video from Archbishop Shelton regarding this year’s appeal HERE.

#iGiveCatholic Advanced Giving Nov 18th

Advanced Giving is Now OPEN! Click below to donate on-line or pick up an envelope in the Gathering Space at Church.

Donations made during the Advanced Giving window (Nov 18th – Dec 2nd) will be matched up to $600 please consider making an early contribution.

Contributions made to this 2024 campaign will benefit our Children’s Faith Formation program (Religious Education). Our CFF program serves grades K-8 and aims to help our youth encounter God and prepare them for the sacraments through catechism, scripture, music, liturgy, prayer, and community.  Our program is currently serving more than 140 children from Bullitt County and surrounding areas. Funds raised will be used to update the office in the Religious Education Building, creating a collaborative meeting space for catechists and others in the parish community.  We plan to continue with safety improvements in the building, installing new classroom door locks that may be locked from inside the classroom. In addition, we plan to purchase additional Smart TVs and carts for use in each classroom and to be used by other groups during campus meeting. 
Please consider making a donation through #iGiveCatholic to support our mission and youth of the parish! NO donation is too small!  Contact the parish office if you wish to make a donation directly through the office. (502) 538-4933. Donations made directly through the office will count toward our total goal.

#iGiveCatholic 2024 Coming Soon!

Saint Francis Xavier Parish will once again be participating in #iGiveCatholic to continue making improvements to our Religious Education Building. This crowd-funding event is a national initiative dedicated to Catholic philanthropy and is conducted each year on Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday is December 3rd but donations can be made during the Advanced Giving Phase beginning Monday, November 18th.

Watch for more information in coming weeks and check out the plans for a new shared space in the RE Building.

Advent Calendar Raffle by HSYG

The SFX High School Group will be raffling off a Gift Card Advent Calendar on Sunday November 24th.

Each pocket of the Advent Calendar contains a gift card ranging in value from $5 – $15. Raffle tickets are $5 each and will be sold after all the masses the weekends of Nov 16th/17th and Nov 23rd/24th.

Please help support the youth group as they plan their projects and retreats for the coming year. Contact Lisa Pence (lisa.pence@sfxmw.com) for more information.

Charitable Gaming Lic#0001325

Hurricane Relief

The Archdiocese of Louisville has established a Relief Fund for the communities in Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas. Funds will be used to support emergency response, and the pastoral and reconstruction efforts needed for the civic and faith communities affected. If you wish to support this effort, please send donations directly to the following:

Archdiocese of Louisville
ATTN: Hurricane Helene Relief
3940 Poplar Level Rd
Louisville, KY 40213-1463

Trunk or Treat and Chili Supper

Join us on Saturday, October 26th after the 5PM Mass for a Chili Supper in the Xavier Center and Trunk or Treat in the parking lot. RSVP or sign up to donate a dessert HERE.

VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTIONS – Parents/Children who have volunteered, meet Wende Aubrey and Lisa Pence in the Xavier Center at the start of your shift for instructions.

PARKING INSTRUCTIONS- Trunk or Treat will begin shortly after the 5PM Mass. Arrive EARLY and park your car in the designated area behind the RE building BEFORE Mass. The High School Youth Group will direct the traffic flow in the parking lot. If you are looking for trunk decorating ideas click HERE.

IF you are NOT providing a Trunk or Treats, park on the Stringer Lane side, HWY 44 side , or by the Xavier Center. You WILL NOT be able to drive through the parking lot or behind the RE building as this is where the Trunk or Treat will occur.