News & Events

SFX Volleyball Classic 23

Get your team registered today for the SFX Volleyball Classic to be held on June 10th! Join us for SummerFest; a full day of activities, food & music! More details…

Pickleball Mixer Tournament

Join us at Summerfest for a Co-ed Pickleball Mixer Tournament. Novice and experienced play levels, register today, space is limited! Contact the Parish Office at (502) 538-4933 or email Dawn…

Coins for Compassion

Join our Religious Education students in their fundraising challenge to support Love the Hungry! Donations buckets are in the gathering space of church. Place your loose change in your favorite…

Women’s Club Bunco

Get out this spring and come join us for some FUN! The Women’s Club Bunco will be April 13th. ALL are invited, so bring a friend!

Baby Shower

Join us Sunday, March 12th after the 11AM in the double meeting room of the Xavier Center for a baby shower to benefit The Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center. The…

Women’s Retreat

Join us on March 18th at SFX from 9AM-3PM for our Women’s Retreat. Contact Paula Silliman in the parish office for more details. (502) 538-4933 x104 or email .

Love The Hungry

HELP US HELP OTHERS THIS LENT Our Saint Francis Xavier community is joining the Love the Hungry organization for a packaging event. Join us on Sunday, March 26th from 12:00-2:00…

Stewardship Renewal 2023

Stewardship renewal packets will be placed in the gathering space of church beginning January 21st and will be available for pickup through the weekend February 5th. The stewardship renewal forms…

Chili Supper

Join us on January 21st after the 5PM Mass in the Xavier Center for a Chili Supper. Place your last- minute bids on Auction items and stick around for the…