News & Events

THANK YOU! #iGiveCatholic

Dear Friends of SFX,Thank you for being a part of our first ever #iGiveCatholic Campaign! The support and generosity from the SFX community never ceases to amaze me! We raised…

Ring in the New Year at SFX

Ring in the New Year in the Xavier Center with LIVE music featuring The Wilson Brothers! Tickets are $25 each. Contact Twyla Mills for tickets at 502-777-4501 or contact the…

Tree of Life

Are you searching for that perfect Christmas present! Purchase a leaf to acknowledge or in remembrance of a special person. We have only 9 leaves remaining to fill the Tree…

An Invitation from Fr. Dale

Saint Francis Xavier Parish will be participating in a program entitled #iGiveCatholic on Tuesday, November 28th from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM.  During this 24-hour crowd-funding event, all the Catholic…

Donut Sales

The 7th Grade class of Children’s Faith Formation Class will sell Krispy Kreme Donuts after Masses on the weekend of November 4th and 5th. Glazed Donuts are $12 a box…

Senior Thanksgiving Dinner

ALL Seniors are invited to this year’s Thanksgiving Dinner to be held on Sunday, November 12th at 2:00PM in the lower level of the parish hall. Click HERE to RSVP…

Group Fitness at SFX

Join us on Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM and Saturday mornings at 9:00AM for Fusion Fitness Classes starting November 11th. $5 per class, all are welcome!

Deacon Earl’s Homily

Deacon Earl’s funeral homily for Wrenlow Ainsworth On behalf of the parish family here at SFX, Fr. Dale Cieslik and the whole staff, we wish to express our sincere condolences…

Catholic Services Appeal 2023

CSA 2023 officially kicks-off next weekend! Our SFX goal for 2023 is $24,100 with 105 families participating. There are Matching Gift Opportunities; click HERE for more details. Watch the bulletin…

Donut Sunday

Join us on Sunday, September 17th, Catechetical Sunday, for donuts in the Parish Hall after the 9AM and the 11AM Masses. This month’s Donut Sunday will be hosted by the…