News & Events

Women’s Club Spring Bunco

Join the Women’s Club for Spring Bunco on Thursday, April 24th in the Xavier Center. Doors open at 5:45 and Dice start rolling at 6:30PM. All are welcome!

Lenten Fish Fry

Join the Knights of Columbus on Fridays for a Fish Fry! Dine-In or Carry-Out March 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th, April 4th & 11th in the Xavier Center 4-7PM. Beer…

Interactive Stations of the Cross

Join Us for a Deeply Moving Experience We invite you to our 4th annual Interactive Stations of the Cross, on Saturday, March 8th. This cherished event has provided countless individuals…

Fr. Dale’s Homily

The 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Cycle C) March 1-2, 2025 Gospel:  Luke 6:39-45 This is a story about a normal family, like many here today.  A family with the…

SFX Men’s Basketball League

Monday Night Men’s Basketball League starting soon! Men 18 years and older are invited to play. Contact Luke Ezell at the number below for more information.

Senior St. Patrick’s Day Dinner

Our 8th grade Faith Formation students, with the leadership of the Weikert family, invite senior parish members to the 2nd annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner!   This delicious, free meal will be…

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