General Collection
The General Collection is used for the day-to-day operation of the parish and its various programs aimed to serve the spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical needs of its parishioners. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to our parish.

Debt Reduction
On May 29, 2022, our new Xavier Center was dedicated. Your donation will continue to support this effort and help reduce our debt. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation.

Legacy Fund
The Legacy Fund is restricted for those special projects that support the growth, expansion, and formation of St. Francis Xavier as determined and approved by the Parish Council and Pastor. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to this fund.

St. Francis Xavier Outreach Ministry
Saint Francis Xavier Outreach Ministry mission is to provide spiritual and physical assistance to both parishioners and non-parishioners during times of need and stress. Assistance may take the form of intervention, advocacy, consultation, service, material or monetary aide. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to this ministry.

High School Youth Group
Saint Francis Xavier’s High School Youth Group program provides opportunities for our high school students in our Faith Community to participate in various mission trips and service camps throughout the year. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to help minimize the costs so our teens can participate in these activities.
Other Giving Options
Automatic Bill Pay
An automatic bill payment is a money transfer scheduled on a predetermined date to pay a recurring amount for Stewardship, Capital Campaign, or Legacy Fund. Automatic bill payments are routine payments made from a banking, brokerage, or mutual fund account to SFX. Automatic payments are made through your own personal bank’s online banking program and typically are offered with no additional bank fee.
Gift of Stock
Give a gift of stock to St. Francis Xavier by completing the Archdiocese stock transfer form and returning it as per their instruction. Click here to be directed to the Archdiocesan webpage on Giving for further information and a link to the form. Just the form can be found here. Donations of stock offer a way to make a charitable gift without having to utilize cash funds. In general, you can avoid capital gains taxes by donating stocks held for more than 12 months; however, you should always consult with your financial advisor or a tax professional to determine the actual tax benefits or any other consequences of a stock donation.
IRA Distribution
Instruct your financial advisor or institution to send a donation to St. Francis Xavier from your IRA Distribution. The qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows those age 70 ½ to give money to charities directly from their IRAs in a tax advantageous manner to qualified charities. You should always consult with your financial advisor or a tax professional to determine the actual tax benefits or any other consequences of such a donation.
Offertory Envelopes
Receive offertory envelopes to use when dropping a check or cash into the offertory basket on weekends. The office can make sure these are ordered for you – just let us know!
Kroger Rewards Program
Go to krogercommunityrewards.com to start earning money for our parish. By linking your Kroger Rewards Account to our parish or NPO #IA702, St. Francis Xavier receives a percent of your purchase. If you have problems registering your card, call 1-800-KROGERS or email kcr24@kroger.com.