
Essay Contest Grades 8-12

The Knights of Columbus St Joseph council 12354 is proud to announce our second annual Catholic Citizenship essay contest. The essay contest is open to Catholic students in grades 8-12. A $100 PRIZE will be awarded to the winner from each grade. This year’s theme is “explain how young Catholics can evangelize our faith to friends and families who have turned away from religion and encourage them to return to the church and embrace the sacraments”. In an essay of 500- 750 words, explain how young Catholics can evangelize our faith to families and friends who have turned away from religion and encourage them to return to the Church and embrace the sacraments. An entry form must accompany the essay. The essays must reflect the assigned theme and be the student’s original work. The student’s name should only appear on the official form which must be stapled to the essay. Essays can be turned into the parish office or collection basket, or directly to the St Joseph council Knights of Columbus. The contest will start on Nov 7 and end on December 2. Any questions feel free to reach out to Michael Zygmunt (716)319-4967.