Yoga in the Xavier Center
Starting August 19th, Yoga classes will be held in the Xavier Center on Monday and Thursdays from 5:30 – 6:30. Instructor Jamie Wise will offer classes for $5 per session…
Fitness Class Cancelled for Sept 6th and 7th
Fitness classes on Friday, Sept 6 and Saturday, Sept 7th have been cancelled. The normal schedule will resume next week (Tues 7pm, Fri 9am, Sat 9am).
Thank You Donors!
St. Francis Xavier Church was once again recognized for our participation in the Premier Blood Partners Program. In 2023 the American Red Cross collected 235 Units through SFX sponsored blood…
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (aka “Children’s Church”) will resume on August 25 at both 9:00 and 11:00 mass! During Mass, kids ages preK through grade 3 are invited to…
SFX 13th Annual Golf Scramble
Gather your team and join us for the 13th Annual St. Francis Xavier Golf Scramble! The scramble will be held on Sunday, September 15th at The Crossings Golf Course in…
Volleyball & Pickleball Time Change
Starting the week of August 19th, Volleyball and Pickleball sessions will move to 6:30 – 8:30PM to make room for a new Yoga class being offered in the Xavier Center…
Join the Women’s Club!
If you are interested in joining a group of friendly, spirited ladies who enjoy working together for the good of the parish, the SFX Women’s Club is the place for…
“Raise Your Voices, Lift Your Hearts”
The SFX Music Ministry is looking for additional members for any and all masses. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to worship through song. Adult Choir/Musician rehearsals begin Wednesday,…
Cub Scout Pack 776 at SFX
St. Francis Xavier Church sponsors Cub Scout Pack 776 for youth in grades K-5. The Pack meets on Monday nights at 7pm in the RE Building during the BCPS school…
Children’s Faith Formation 2024
Children’s Faith Formation meets weekly on Wednesdays from 6:45 to 8:00PM. Classes resume on September 4th. Please register by August 31st to ensure materials are available for your children. Online…
Donut Sunday & Meet the Teachers
Join us Sunday, August 25th for Fellowship and Donuts after the 9 and 11AM Masses. The Children’s Faith Formation Teachers will be available at the 10AM session to meet with…