Donut Sales for 7th Grade Service Project
There will be donut sales after ALL Masses the weekend of November 5th and 6th. Glazed & Chocolate glazed will be available and both will be $12 per dozen. Proceeds…
Senior Thanksgiving Dinner
Join us on Sunday, November 13th. Use the QR code below to RSVP.
Christmas Food Basket Donations
It is time for the annual Christmas food basket drive in support of the Bullitt County community! The SFX Outreach Ministry, High School Youth Group and the Confirmation Class are hosting…
All Souls’ Prayer Service
All are invited to the commemoration of the faithfully departed prayer service on November 2 at 7PM.
Anniversary Mass
All those celebrating a milestone anniversary are invited to celebrate with Archbishop Shelton at the Cathedral of the Assumption.
Women’s Club Bazaar
Join us on Saturday, November 5th in the Xavier Center from 9AM-2PM for The Glimmers of Christmas Arts & Crafts Show.
Aunt Annie’s Pretzel Truck
THANKS TO ALL WHO CAME OUT FOR PRETZELS! WE RAISED ALMOST $500 FOR ALEX’S LEMONADE STAND! September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Join us for our 2nd event in…
Amazon Wish List
Join us in our fundraising efforts for childhood cancer during the month of September. Purchase an item from the Amazon Wish List below. The Wish List was created by parishioner,…
Pastor’s Pen
August 25, 2022 Dear Parishioners and friends of SFX, In August of this year, our parish received two (NQ4 Retail Malt Beverage and Quota Retail Drink) licenses to serve alcohol…
Sunday Night Hoops
Dust off those basketball shoes, text your buddy & tell them to meet you in the Xavier Center on Sunday’s from 8-10PM for men’s basketball; pick -up games and shoot…
Religious Education Registration
The online registration for Religious Education has ended. Please contact Lauren Battcher in the Parish Office for registration information. RE classes resume on Wednesday, September 7th at 6:45PM.
Dinner with Coach Scott Davenport
Join us for an elegant evening and Dinner with Coach Scott Davenport on Saturday, September 10, 2022. Doors open at 6PM for check-in and drinks. Dinner will be at 6:45PM….