June 6, 2019 1:56 am
Picnic setup currently underway! Due to tonight’s weather forecast, we will need an additional setup crew from 8am to 9am Thursday to erect tents. Evening booth setups continue at 5:30 pm Thursday. Thank you for your help!
Thursday morning
Booth setups today from 8am to 9am and 5:30 pm. Its a BIG setup day and help is needed. Bring a battery powered screw gun if you have one. See you at either session!
Bring cakes to the Old Church today beginning at 9 AM. Picnic tonight 5 – 10 PM! Enjoy fish dinner, live music, games, raffles, fun for all! Take sold raffle tickets to Capital Prize Booth.
Dinner prep this morning at 9 AM in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. Picnic tonight 5 – 10 PM. Mass at 4 PM. Chicken dinner, live music, fun for all! Take sold raffle tickets to Capital Prize booth! Prize drawings at 10 PM!
Picnic tear down today at noon! Many, many folks are needed for this huge task. Men, women, teens; there’s a job for everyone today! Join in and thank you!