February 11, 2019 3:00 pm
‘Good God’
Our Lady of Lourdes
God saw how good it was.
– Genesis 1:10
We’ve all had that thought, even if it were only fleeting, that evil had won and good had lost. All that God created is good. Yet, we still have to deal with evil. God allows us to encounter obstacles. But even heart-wrenching difficulties can be good because, in overcoming our difficulties, we can grow stronger in our faith. Especially today, consider the tremendous, lifelong sufferings of St. Bernadette.
We all have times when we feel discouraged and deflated. Yes, we sin, but we can always turn to God, who delights when we seek him out as we cope with evil and adversity.
If we believe what we are told in Genesis–all that God created is good–then we must believe that we are good since God created us. God does, indeed, see how good we are. Our task is to look at ourselves, our neighbors, our perceived enemies and try to see what God sees.
My God, you are all good and deserving of all my love.
– Terence Hegarty
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