January 11, 2019 3:00 pm
Today’s Reflection
The trouble with us is that we want to serve God in our own way and not in his, and according to our own will, not his. When he permits that we be ill, we want to be well; when he wills that we serve him in sufferings, we desire to serve him with works; when he wants us to exercise charity, we want to exercise humility; when he wants resignation from us, we want devotion, piety or some other virtue. And this, not because the things we want are more pleasing to him, but because they give us greater satisfaction. This undoubtedly is the greatest impediment to our perfection, because if we want to become saints according to our will, we will never become saints. In order really to become a saint it is best to do so according to God’s will.
– St. Francis de Sales
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