Chairperson: Joey Followay
The Worship Coordinating Committee is an umbrella for a variety of ministries. All subcommittees attend to a particular sacramental or liturgical need within the parish community.
Altar Servers/Acolytes
Chairperson: Jodi Clan (Altar Servers) Rob Haydon (Acolytes)
Assists the presider in liturgical celebrations. Training is provided for fifth-grade students through adults to serve at weekend, daily, Holy Day and funeral Masses.
Altar Society
Chairperson: Ann Wheat
This group dresses the altar seasonally, cares for the linens and vestments, washing, ironing, and repairing articles as needed, and cares for the candles, candle stands, and other sacramentals like the holy water fonts. Training is provided. Needed are people willing to wash, iron, mend, and generally tend to these sacramental needs.
Art and Environment
Chairpeople: Michelle Gentry & Jo Ann Rueve
Committee that plans, designs, arranges and cares for the liturgical environment of the worship space and surrounding grounds. Needed are creative, willing workers with skills in floral design, sewing, artistic painting, etc.; people willing to work on the planning committee, and people willing to help with setting up of decorations for the Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter seasons.
Church Cleaning Crews
Chairpersons: Jennifer Sweeney & Richard Brangers
Teams who clean our worship space weekly. Work includes light dusting, vacuuming, etc. Teams meet on the first, second, and fourth Wednesdays and the third Friday of each month at approximately 8:30 a.m. Needed are volunteers to assist with cleaning duties on a regular basis and substitutes to fill in occasionally for regular members.
Exposition of the Eucharist
Chairperson: Paula Silliman
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins at 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. Worshipers may come for any length of time during that day and need not be scheduled to participate. Adoration ends at 12:00 p.m. with Benediction. Needed is anyone committed to spending one hour of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. Worshipers may come randomly for any length of time or may formally schedule an hour. Substitutes are needed occasionally for those who designate a set time for adoration.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Chairpeople: Fr. Dale Cieslik & Paula Silliman
Ministers distribute communion at weekend, daily, Holy Day, and funeral Masses and/or take communion to those who are homebound, in nursing homes, or at assisted living facilities. Ministers who feel called to this ministry must be approved by the pastor and complete the mandated Archdiocesan Communion Minister training program prior to serving in our parish.
Funeral Ministry
Chairperson: Paula Silliman
Need are people to meet with the family of the deceased to plan the funeral liturgy by choosing readings, songs and family or friends to minister at the liturgy. Arrange for the musicians, server and sacristan and a vigil service provided by a deacon. Notify the bereavement committee if a meal is requested.
Bereavement Meal
Chairpeople: Nancy Crawhorn & Betty Tinsley
People are needed to prepare and or serve various food dishes during the post-funeral meal served to families and friends, to accept prepared food dishes in the Parish Hall on the morning of a funeral, to set up the Parish Hall for the meal, and to make phone calls to facilitate the meal.
Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers)
Chairperson: Vincent Sivori
This minister acts as host or hostess on behalf of the parish by meeting those attending worship services with a warm and genuine welcome. Responsibilities include seating worshipers, assisting in the collection, distributing bulletins or other materials at the end of the service, and bidding farewell to the worshipers. Needed are teens, adults and couples who are willing to cheerfully serve.
Ministers of the Word (Readers)
Chairperson: Tonya Sivori
Proclaim the Word of God for the assembly at Masses and special liturgies. By carefully studying and preparing to lector, ministers help parishioners come to a greater understanding of God’s Word. Training is provided. Needed are committed ministers with good oral and reading skills.
St. Francis Xavier Adult Choir
Chairperson: Carrie Gary
High School Age children through adults are invited to participate in this choir. Weekly rehearsal is held on Wednesday nights from 6:45 – 8:00 in the SFX Sanctuary. This group sings at the Sunday, 9 am Mass as well as Christmas, Holy Week and Easter, and other major feast days; singing both contemporary and traditional music. Solo cantors and small groups come from this choir at the discretion of the director.
St. Francis Youth Choir
Chairperson: Carrie Gary
Singers in grades 2-12 are invited to participate in this choir. Rehearsal is held during the school calendar year every other Wednesday evening from 6:00-6:45 (before R.E. class). This group will sing one-two Masses a month. Singers will learn basic musicianship skills, sight reading, some basic instruments, and liturgical music during rehearsal. Small groups will also be pulled from this group to sing at other selected masses and events at the discretion of the director. No previous training is required, just a desire to have fun, make music, and learn!
Cantor Training
Chairperson: Carrie Gary
Designed to teach and train those who are interested in leading the congregation at any mass in a fun way. This will be held on a rotating basis and will meet four times over the course of a month. This is in order to prepare interested participants, not only liturgically, but also vocally and musically. No previous musical training is needed. Please contact the director for the next available course. Archdiocesan training is also available.
Chairperson: Carrie Gary
Trained instrumentalists, who are interested in providing music at any of the liturgies or other celebrations, please contact the director.
Private Voice
Chairperson: Carrie Gary
Private vocal lessons are offered at St. Francis Xavier by Carrie Gary, Director of Music. This is open to persons of any age or ability! For scheduling and more information please contact the director.