Fr. Dale’s Homily
The Baptism of the Lord (Cycle C)
January 11-12, 2025
Gospel: Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
Did you ever ask yourself; Why was Jesus baptized? John had been calling people to repentance for their sins. The sign of their repentance was to step forward and be baptized by John in the river. And here is Jesus coming forward to be baptized by John. Why? What’s going on? When John raises the question, as reported in Matthew’s Gospel, as to why Jesus is seeking baptism, Jesus basically tells him to just do it and don’t ask any questions. So, viewed together, what are all the Gospels telling us about today’s feast?
Many years ago, a rich man was asked what he considered to be the most vital ingredient for a successful industrial enterprise. Was it labor, capital or brainpower? The man replied with a laugh, “Which is the most important leg of a 3 legged stool?”
In Luke’s Gospel, we may discover a Christian version of that 3-pronged question as we consider the Trinitarian presence @ Jesus’ baptism. People had gathered on the riverbank to see if their long awaited Messiah might be found in the person of JOHN. His fame as the baptizer of THE Messiah had not yet been revealed. They all would witness an awesome event. John would baptize many, including Jesus, his most memorable. Moving forward 2,000 years, how does this key event in the life of Jesus affect you and me today?
Those who gathered at the river were seeking the MESSIAH. How do we seek Jesus in a daily living? Our presence at this Eucharistic liturgy today indicates our desire to come closer to Him. ERGO, just who is Jesus for us today?
For some, Jesus is a vibrant presence every day. For some He may linger as a remnant of schooldays, a once-special acquaintance but not someone well known today.
For some He is a trusted guide, for others, a taskmaster whose ways are difficult to follow, who may even seem out of sync with the “modern world”… whatever that is.
For some, He is the One who causes us to fall on our knees in worship, for others he is a bit of bread, a sip of wine whose profound meaning may have dimmed…
As Jesus was baptized in water, the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. If Jesus needed the power of the Holy Spirit to guide Him in His life, can we require no less? The Holy Spirit is the second “leg” of our Christian faith sent to us through baptism and confirmation. Through prayer to the Holy Spirit, we seek direction for life’s journey. If we sense that we are “out of position” in any area of life, our relationships with others, our faith journey, our jobs, our schooling, experiences of fear and uncertainty, we can seek guidance of The Spirit.
God, as Father, was Jesus’ source of life and the sender of the Spirit. God spoke of Jesus saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Through our lives of prayer, God speaks to you and to me. “You are my beloved son or daughter”. We praise God because of that favor given us. As God’s beloved, we have been baptized in WATER, SPIRIT and FIRE.
The three-fold nature of baptism might be thought of as another “three legged stool”. Which leg might need strengthening in our spiritual lives? Our praise of God? Our faith in the Son? Our prayer to the Holy Spirit?
Today is the day we allow the Holy Spirit to “fire us up”. We are not called to be passive, inactive followers but to be on Fire with the Spirit. Where is the power of the Spirit needed? In our lives? In our families? In our community? In our church?
The Eucharist is a 3-fold gift to the faithful. We might think of it as a braid in which the three powerful elements of faith: God, Jesus, Spirit – entwine to strengthen us for this journey of life. Jesus gently invites us to come to the table with Him to take a bit of bread, a sip of wine which embodies all the power of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and their Holy Spirit. This will be enough. This is always enough to get the job of living, accomplished, & very well.